My tiger (thats what I call my boyfriend) and I just got married last September 25, 2009. When I think about the hardships that we went through before we got married specially the preparations, we just laugh at it. There's this time that I thought we cant get married in the church because of some complications in his part. And there are times that I almost give up because of my being so uptight with my religion.. But finally we did it. Until now I still can’t believe that we are married already. Thanks to God and our continued prayers, everything just went smoothly on our wedding day though its not perfect, there are problems along the way but I can say is that I got what I always dream of when I get married.
My Bachelorrettes days are over....all the happy go lucky days are gone now. I’m excited to start the new chapter of my life with my husband though I’m a little nervous of what future is ahead of us. But my husband and I are confident to take challenges and trials will come along the way, though prayers, trust, and our love each other, we will do this.
I want to thank my family who really helped me and encourage me everyday. If not for them we would not get married in the church where I always dream of walking in the isle of the church through the altar.
To my baby…. I love you and I always trust you and help you in any way I can and be with you as long as I live. ‘Till do us part. And I’m proud to be Mrs. Delia Jureskin.
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