This is my pet, his name is lucky, he is an amazing dog. A mixed high breed and native dog. He is just 3 months old. Actually, we have five dogs all in all but he is an extra ordinary dog as he’s such a sweet sweet dog. He loves to cuddle and being touched by us….but I guess, he is not meant for us, he got sick for a month, and got worst a week ago, so we brought him to the vet. clinic, the doctor found out that he has ascitis, his liver was not functioning normally and his kidney shut down, the vet doc was really puzzled as she never encountered a case like Lucky. Even though Lucky was so tired as he has troubled breathing already, but he never complains even with lots of injections that he got, I think the vet doc gave him 11 meds all in all and we took him to the big hospital for humans just to have an x-ray of his tummy but still no complains, he knew that its all good for him….we did our best, but just the other night, he passed away……my heart was crushed, I really don’t know what to react as I loved him so much….i know I’m being unfair with my other dogs but I guess it’s a natural reaction when you love and cared someone so much, my feelings was so attached with Lucky….before he died, i cared and let him slept in my arm as he cant lay and sleep as its hard for him, he slept for 30 mins. I bet, when I saw him that night before he died, I knew he wont be able to survive for a day anymore, so I told mama and dina that we should give up on him, and so we talked to Lucky that its time for him to rest, we prayed and we bid goodbye, and so that night, he laid down and went to sleep, the doctor just called me the next morning and told us that Lucky is finally resting, peacefully…..now, I really really missed him, I missed his cute face, his sweetness…but in a way, I’m happy too as I know he is not in pain anymore…..i do believe he is an angel now, watching over us….Lucky I love you!